Posté le 05/12/2022
7 NEWS are available
RIFLESSO : A single tree that is reflected in the water
GLORIA : A beautiful flower ornament
LA NOTTE DELLE FIABE : "Once upon a time ... " all fairy tales begin this way, but we are now in the NIGHT OF FAIRY TALES and there are many of the protagonists of our favorite stories: owl, fawn, rabbit, gnome, spider, cat, bird, squirrel, heart, moon, clock, a steaming cup of chocolate, fox, hedgehog and let's not forget a great book and a magnificent castle .
FIORE DEL MISTERO: Each petal is wrapped around itself .... to keep a secret, a mystery
SQUARES 1 : Same design .... in two dimension . You can stitch what you prever : small one , large one or together
SWEET MEMORIES : like an old doily, but with more decisive colors. It is up to you to customize the center with a monogram or a personalized design
ALBERO DELLA FORTUNA : The pomegranate is an ancient fruit rich in excellent properties. is native to the Middle East and is one of the most represented fruits in many masterpieces of painting, Since ancient times were attributed to the pomegranate magical powers for which it has become a symbol of abundance, fertility and luck.
and some more news and surprises before the end of the year ......... stay tuned ;-)